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At Puramizu, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality products to enhance your overall wellness. Our focus on clean and pure water ensures that you have access to the best for your health and wellness.
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People everywhere are discovering the life-changing power of Kangen Water®
Make your own healthy, alkalined, antioxidant drinking water that's rich in minerals and purged of impurities, right in your own home!
Water is the most important substance in the world
Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is vital to our health. Water carries nutrients to cells, helps with digestion, flushes out toxins, helps prevent headache and fatigue, and can even aid in weight loss or maintenance. Our bodies are up to 70% water, and staying well-hydrated is critical to our optimum health and survival.
However, not all water is created Equal
Common Drinks and their pH Levels
Watch the eye-opening demonstration video that will wake you up to the reality of what you drink!
“I have been a customer of Puramizu.com for years and I can't imagine my life without their products. The water quality is unmatched and has made a significant difference in my health. I highly recommend their services to everyone looking for true wellness.”
Alex L.
The human body is comprised of 70% water, so it's not much of a stretch to say that "the basis of vitality and long life is water." If you want to feel good and be at your optimal health level, you should drink water on a daily basis.
But not just any type of water.
Tap Water Bottled Water Distilled Water Well Water
What are the differences in drinking water?
Water is the foundation to health - this is why water quality is so important.

Tap water
Municipal water, subject to strict regulations
May be treated with chlorine to keep it clean
May contain sediment and have a stale taste
Contains varying amount of minerals, depending on area
With an Enagic Kangen Water machine, your tap water will not only become delicious by filtering unwanted sediment and residues, it will also gain the beneficial property of being rich in molecular hydrogen, a potent anti-oxidant!
Dangers of Tap Water
Safe and readily available water is a basic human necessity in order to meet health and sanitation needs. However, tap water around the world has consistently been found to be subpar, "first-world" countries not excluded.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization) some pretty astonishing facts about drinking global water are:1
Around the world, at least 1.8 billion people utilize a drinking water source contaminated with fecal matter.
Contaminated water can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio. Contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 502,000 diarrheal deaths each year.
By 2025, half of the world's population will be living in water-stressed areas.
In low and middle income countries, 38% of health care facilities lack any water source, 19% do not have improved sanitation, and 35% lack water and soap for handwashing.
Did you know that residue of food additives and agrochemicals significantly contaminate our bodily fluids?
Bottled water
Bottled water is not necessarily healthier than tap water and yet it costs much more! Although associated with healthy water, bottled water is not guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. Often the only difference is the added minerals which have no proven health benefits.
A four-year study by the Natural Resources Defense Council shows that 1/3 of the bottled water tested contains levels of contamination which exceed allowable limits. Bottled water can also be slightly acidic, which may affect your body's pH balance. Finally, the environmental impact caused by the production and disposal of plastic bottles is harmful to our ecosystem.

The Truth about the $13 billion dollar Bottled Water Industry!
Bottled water is bad for the environment!
According to the National Geographic1, "Bottled water is a drain on the environment: The U.S. public goes through about 50 billion water bottles a year, and most of those plastic containers are not recycled. Transporting the bottles and keeping them cold also burns fossil fuels, which give off greenhouse gases."
1500 plastic bottles are consumed every second. Enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times. And, it will take 1000 years for the plastic to degrade.2
Did you know 8,000,000 tons of plastic is dumped in the ocean every year?
Equivalent to 5 grocery bags per every foot of coastline around the globe!
• It's not proven to be any safer than tap water
The non-profit, non-partisan Environmental Working Group (EWG) says, "The government does not mandate that bottled water be any safer than tap water. In fact, the chemical pollution standards are nearly identical."Historically, bottled waters have even been recalled for contamination with particulate matter, mold and bacteria.4
• It doesn't necessarily taste better
In this video by ABC, in a blind taste test, many
even preferred the taste of tap water over bottled.
• It can pose health threats
The plastic in bottled water often contains chemicals BPA and phthalates, which are proven to be hazardous to human health.
Here is list of links you can check out on you're own in reference to plastic bottles....!

Distilled Water
Also known as Reverse Osmosis water. All or almost all minerals are removed, which has raised concern, as waterborne minerals are important to nutrition.
Well Water
Sometimes more alkaline in nature but prone to contamination. Requires regular testing and is expensive to maintain.
We're not trying to say that our Enagic® machine will solve all of the world's water problems. However, we do advise that you have your own water analyzed to get a better idea. At that point, you can be proactive about filtering your source water, then ionizing it to achieve the healthiest water on the planet! Think about what you drink!
NY Times: Tainted Tap Water in U.S.
Thirty-five years after the U.S. Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act, some regulators and environmentalists state the law is now so obsolete that it fails to protect people from the most obvious threats.
In the USA, the NY Times reported on violations of the Clean Water Act, a federal law which governs water pollution, and has shown household water that is contaminated with lead, nickel, and other heavy metals. (Some extreme side-effects of this contamination have resulted in skin burns, rashes, and eroded tooth enamel).2
The NY Times has since compiled a database of violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, finding 40% of the nation's community water systems in violation at least once, exposing millions to potentially harmful chemicals, toxins, and heavy metals.3
How Does Kangen Water®...
Compare to Common Drinks?
These videos show pH meters measuring the pH reading in common drinks. All of the tested products (including bottled water) show a reading within the acidic range. Only the Kangen Water® has a negative or alkaline reading.

The word KANGEN means "RETURN TO ORGIN" in Japanese. For hundreds of years several Locations around around the world held legendary status for their natural water resources and water springs also know as "miracle water" sought out to heal various diseases. For those who don't have access to these locations or simple just cant travel there, That's where this medical wellness device comes into play, it replicates the same process as a natural spring or well creating fresh ionized hydrogen based water directly from you're faucet. There for bringing your water back to it's natural origin.
The search for a “Fountain Of Youth” – a source of extremely long if not eternal life, and perpetual wellness of body and mind – is an activity that has been going on for millennia. The 5th-century BCE Greek historian Herodotus is one of the better known of those with a passionate curiosity for / obsession with a Fountain Of Youth. But there have been a plethora of other public figures who, from the days of antiquity right into our contemporary era, have undertaken such a quest: not to mention the more ordinary folk whose travels for the most part go uncharted.
Perpetual Youth & Wellness: Truth or Fantasy?
Is there any truth to such a quest – or is it just a seductive fantasy? Most of us would concede that a physical body – however well cared for -- does not last forever. That said, might it not be possible for some substance to greatly enhance our longevity, and significantly improve our quality of life along the way? Molecular hydrogen is emerging as just such a substance.
The Miracle Of Healing Waters
As it turns out, what the so-called “miraculous” healing-water mineral-springs (e.g. Lourdes spring water in France, Tlacote water in Mexico, Nordenau water in Germany and Nadana water in India) have in common is a high concentration of dissolved hydrogen gas (H2). People who soak in the springs, or drink the water, or inhale the air around the springs are ingesting larger-than-usual concentrations of molecular hydrogen: a substance whose profound healing powers are increasingly being acknowledged by the western scientific community.
And this makes hydrogen-infused water a very good candidate for being granted the honorary name: Fountain Of Youth.
Hydrogen’s Therapeutic Potential
There are now more than 500 peer-reviewed scientific articles that have been published, which present convincing evidence of molecular hydrogen’s therapeutic potential. Hydrogen gas has been shown to have therapeutic effects on more than 150 disease processes, including: cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular diseases, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, diabetes, osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, certain forms of cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, nephritis, skin conditions and many more.
How is it that this tiny molecule – the smallest molecule known to humankind – can exert such a powerfully healing influence on the human body? According to Tyler Lebaron, founder and director of the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation, there are three main properties that explain hydrogen’s therapeutic effects:
1.Molecular hydrogen can easily diffuse into the subcellular compartments and scavenge cytotoxic oxygen radicals, thus protecting the DNA, RNA and proteins from oxidative stress.
2. Molecular hydrogen also triggers the activation or upregulation of additional antioxidant enzymes (e.g. glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, etc.) and/or cytoprotective proteins of the body.
3. Molecular hydrogen may be a novel-signaling molecule that can alter cell signaling, cell metabolism and gene expression. This gives the anti-inflammatory effects, anti-allergic effects, and anti-apoptotic (or anti-cell death) effects.
The Bottom Line
The language in the passage quoted above is a bit technical, but basically what Mr. Lebaron is pointing out is that (1) the super-small size allows molecular hydrogen to penetrate more deeply into our human cells than any other antioxidant; (2) molecular hydrogen not only neutralizes dangerous free radicals, but also stimulates our body's own internal production of antioxidants; and (3) molecular hydrogen is intelligently selective in its elimination of free radicals: removing those that are damaging, while leaving unharmed and even amplifying the power of beneficial signaling molecules.
What's equally exciting is that molecular hydrogen has no known side-effects. And there's no known upper limit to how much can be safely ingested. When the cells and organs have used all that they need, the extra H2 simply diffuses out of the body.
The bottom line is that molecular hydrogen is a profoundly beneficial substance for the human body. Whether we ingest it by drinking hydrogen-enriched water, by breathing the gas directly, or by soaking in a hot mineral spring, it will very likely have effects upon our body that will inspire us to believe – based upon our own direct experience – that we have indeed found something akin to a Fountain Of Youth.
To your health & happiness!
Here are a few locations around the world known for the Miracle Healing water
Zam Zam Miracle healing Water
The Miracle of Zamzam Water
Left in the desert by Prophet Ibrahim, Hajar and her infant son Ismail were in need of water in the stifling heat.
And so Hajar ran between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times in search of water. She then heard a voice.
She called out and SubhanAllah saw Angel Jibreel where the Zamzam well now stands. Angel Jibreel had dug through the sand and unearthed a well of water.
This water is known as Zamzam water as Hajar called out “Zom! Zom!” (Stop! Stop!) as the water kept following, in fear it would run out.
SubhanAllah! Zamzam water has many benefits with healing, health and considered a blessing for Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“The water of Zamzam is (good) for whatever it is intended.” (Sahih Muslim)
Zamzam water is regarded as blessed and holy water, and one that can perform miracles. Muslims drink the water for protection, for blessing and for cure. It is used at weddings to bless the bride and groom, for mothers after giving birth, for babies and sick people.
Lourdes Water taps (Lourdes)
Lourdes water is water which flows from a spring in the Grotto of Massabielle in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, France. According to Catholic tradition, the location of the spring was described to Bernadette Soubirous by an apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes on 25 February 1858. Since that time, many millions of pilgrims to Lourdes have followed the instruction of the Blessed Virgin Mary to "drink at the spring and bathe in it".
Since the supposed apparitions, many people have claimed to have been cured by drinking or bathing in it,[1] and the Lourdes authorities provide it free of charge.[2]
Vittorio Micheli recovered from osteosarcoma in his hip in 1963. In 1965, Sister Luigina Traverso was cured of near total paralysis. In 1976, Delizia Cirolli's cancerous tumor vanished from her right knee. And, in 2008, Sister Bernadette Moriau was cured of Cauda Equina, a disorder of the nerves and lower spine.
Can you still go in the baths at Lourdes?
Update – September 2021: in view of the current health context, immersion is no longer possible. Instead, the volunteers of the Hospitality of Our Lady of Lourdes are inviting pilgrims to take part in the water gesture by washing their face, hands and forearms with water from the miraculous spring.

Nordenau Water in Germany
"I come here to maintain my youthfulness."
Central Germany, approximately 200km from Frankfurt
The small village of Nordenau is surrounded by more than 1200 mountains
People from all over the world come to visit this small and quiet country village.
Usefulness of Nordenau spring water known by tourists
The amazing benefits of Nordenau spring water was discovered by a Dutchman named Balkom, who was a guest of Tommes Hotel in 1992. It was found to provide incredible health benefits.
It has attracted the attention of many international journalists and TV reporters. In addition, medical experts and scientists in the field of molecular biology from around the world have conducted studies on Nordeanau water’s composition and effects on the body.

Tlacote in Mexico
The history of the healing water of Tlacote had its peak during the years 1991, 1992 and 1993, when the owner of the Hacienda announced among the residents that two of his animals had been cured with the water from a deep well on his land. .
At a time when there were still no cell phones, internet or social networks, word spread and people began to arrive to ask for some of the water in the hope of curing their illnesses.
The place became a site of great public interest, and people arrived not only from the Mexican Republic, but from some other countries, who waited more than a day in the meantime to be served during the hours that the hospital still maintains. welcome sign, from 10 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon.
It is mentioned that public personalities such as the singer José José and the basketball player Magic Johnson came to test the water of Tlacote. Over 8 million people visited this place. With this, the tranquility of the population was violated, but it also became a health problem for the people who spent the night there. Sadly due unfortunate events that took place the facility is no longer operation. Now its a nostalgic historic place that people can visit an learn the history of there miracle water.

Nadana India Miracle Water
In Nadana village, about 150 kilometers north of Delhi, India, water began gushing out of a deserted tube well in September 1992. Locals who bathed in the water reported that the “medicinal” and “magical” qualities of the well cured their skin diseases. Word quickly spread, and now a constant stream of people visit the village daily to gain the benefits of the water. A five-year-old polio victim was reportedly cured to a large extent after bathing there, and most people who go into the water report physical improvements.

Healing water in Australia
Yankalilla is a little country town south of Adelaide in South Australia. It was there, in August 1994, that parishioner Susan Fehlburg first noticed what looked to her like an image of the Madonna and Child on the wall of the Anglican Christ Church. In July 1996, the rector, Canadian-born Reverend Andrew Nutter, reported the phenomenon in a local church paper. News of the apparition soon travelled around the world.
It was this extensive news coverage that brought a dowser to the site, who alerted Fr Andrew to the presence of a stream of water running under the church. Benjamin Creme, on being asked, confirmed that the stream of water, like the apparition, was the work of the Master who was the Madonna and that the water would have healing power. One question remained: where to drill?
A fax to London drew a recommendation from Benjamin Creme’s Master regarding the location. A bore was drilled at the recommended spot: two metres from the wall in line with the image. Water was found.

What are Blue Zones?
Blue Zones are areas of the world where people live the longest lives, consistently reaching age
100. In contrast, the average life expectancy in the U.S. is currently 77 years, according to the
Enagic is a company that is committed to improving the health and wellness of people all over
the world. They have been around for over 45 years and have been dedicated to creating the
highest quality ionized alkaline water through their Kangen Water machines.
Did you know that there are certain places in the world called "Blue Zones" where people tend
to live longer, healthier lives? In these areas, people have been known to live well into their 90s
and even 100s. One of the reasons for this is the water they drink.
In Okinawa, Japan, for example, people have been known to drink water from a certain spring
that has high levels of ionized alkaline minerals. The water from this spring is said to have
special properties that help to promote health and longevity. People used to wait in long lines to
drink from this spring because they believed it was magical.
Enagic wanted to bring the same benefits of this water to people all over the world. They
developed a machine that uses an electric charge to transform regular tap water into Kangen
Water, which is alkaline, antioxidant-rich, and has a negative oxidation reduction potential. Now
you can have unlimited access to this incredible water in your own home without having to travel
to Okinawa or wait in a long line.
The people in the Blue Zones believe that the water they drink is magical, and they travel from
far and wide to drink from the local springs. Enagic has replicated this process inside a
machine, which means you can now have unlimited access to this water in your own home. This
water has powerful antioxidant properties, which help reduce oxidative stress in the body, and
promote overall health and wellness.
About us
Puramizu.com is a company built on the foundation of true wellness. We believe that clean water is essential for a healthy lifestyle, and we are committed to delivering the highest quality products to our customers. Our dedication to purity and excellence sets us apart in the industry, and we strive to continually exceed your expectations. With a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, we are proud to offer products that not only benefit your health, but also the planet. Join us in our mission for wellness and discover the transformative power of clean water with Puramizu.com.